Saint-Nazaire The Amazing

Saint-Nazaire is the capital of the shipbuilding industry in France but also an important pole of the aeronautical industry. This city has some nice surprises in store for you. About the beaches, the "sentier des douaniers" is an unmissable walk along the coast with its many creeks, each one more charming than the other, where you can also discover a bit of our history with the vestiges of the Second World War. When it comes to the city, you can spend a good time with family or friends in the “place du Commando” while sipping your drink or eating in one of restaurants with a view towards the sea. Enjoy again and again the numerous activities. You can also discover the port and the construction of the cruise ships thanks to ‘Escale Atlantique”. You also have the possibility to visit the airbus workshops.

In short, there's nothing you won’t get bored in this stunning city!